Tuesday, 30 August 2016

Review : NH Detoxlim Vege F'bre VS Frutti Veggie Dtox Fibre

Heyya readers,

So, today I'm gonna review some awesome stuff for those who wants to lose some tummy weight and be healthy.

A bit about me, I am a very active person. I do have my boyyish side and ladies side.. HAHA
I enjoy outdoor activities, travelling, yoga and FOOD!! Well, who doesn't eh?

Earlier this year, I went on a holiday trip for a week. Since its a holiday, there's no such word as DIET. Right? I was eating a lot!! yes.. A LOT! Because we were walking a lot too so I thought I can eat more.
A week after I got back, weight myself and to my horror. I gain almost 5kg!! Well,  actually its about 2kg, because I just lost 3kg before the holiday.. sobs sobs..

After that, I got  injuries due to outdoor activities. I have to rest for a month. Guess what, I have gotten lazy plus the rainy seasons prevents me from going jogging.

I find that its more difficult to lose weight now so I've decided to UN-lazy ..( there's no such word... I know ) by getting back on track AND ...... therefore the review.....

So, I've decided to try NH Detoxlim Vege F'bre (A) and Frutti Veggie D'tox Fibre (B)

(A) NH Detoxlim Vege F'bre 

You can read their claims here http://nhdetoxlim.com/fibreplus_intro.html .

My view:

Tried 1 packet with a glass of V-soy Milk because I've read other bloggers said that it smell and taste awful. Firstly, it is not advisable to drink with hot water. That explain the clumps in picture 2.
Second, I bought it because Fibre is supposed to make you full and Dtox eliminates toxic in our system.
Third, here comes the pain ( 8hours after drinking). Urghhh...Went to the toilet 4x and I lost my appetite to eat... like really...Btw, the pain is equal to when I drank their NH Detoxlim D'tox Tea which I wrote a review about it too few years back.. haha

Would I repurchase this? 7/10 because I can't stand the pain

Price : RM28 for 15sac (15g each)
          RM52 for 30sac (15g each )

(B) Frutti Veggie  D'tox Fibre

My View:

I didn't found any review about this product so I just 2 sachets of it from the pharmacy which cost RM4 each. I didn't mix this with V-soy like the previous one. I was so scared it will taste like vegetable but turns out it has a pleasant smell of a green apple. Per sachet is lesser than ( A ) which is 10g. So I drank around 9pm and hoping I'll wake up around 5am. To my surprise, nothing happen. Went to work like a normal day and still feel nothing. 11AM - It started but the pain was normal just like a stomach ache unlike ( A) . But I did went to the toilet for 3x.

Would I repurchase it? 7/10 because it is a bit pricey

Price : RM90 x 14 sachets (10g each)
          Rm50 promotion price ( only selected place )
          RM4 per sachet ( only selected place)

For my conclusion, I would repurchase both but I don't depend on it solely. I only take them once a week or when I ate a lot. Plus, I do exercise like jogging, yoga , and body weight workouts. Taking this lightens my body before a workout.

Thanks for dropping by. Stay healthy :)



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